Resources for Working With Your Shadow

Happy Monday!

Something’s in the air, and that thing is winter. The air is cold, the days are short, the nights are dark and stretch longer and longer. And with winter’s approach comes the holiday season, a time when families gather, expect too much of one another, and our very worst sides can be brought out. 

Yep. ‘Tis the season of shadow work.

If you listen to my podcast, you’ll know that these days, we’re diving into some deep and dark magic. This week will be no different when we release our newest episode, Kin Magick: The Ties That Bind. (If you haven’t yet, go give a listen to episode 47: The Hedgework of Death)

Getting started with shadow work is tough— facing your most unloved parts can be a tall order. So I thought I’d create a list of resources to help you get going on the right foot. Here’s a sample of what I’ve put together for you today.

1. To get you started, this Mind Body Green article talks about the basics— what is shadow work and how do you get started with it?

2. Once you get those basics, I’d highly recommend this fantastic Witch of Wonderlust video that takes a much deeper look at what shadow work truly means and why it works.

3. I’ve been  recently eyeing this gorgeous Pixie Lighthorse book, Goldmining the Shadows. It seems like an excellent addition to anyone’s practice in navigating their own personal underworld. (If you want to nab a bonus credit for a free book through ThriftBooks, here’s an affiliate link)

Want the whole list?

Get the full list of 11 resources for expanding your shadow work on my Patreon, available to every subscriber level.


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